where can i find good last minute flights to McGhee Tyson (TYS)?
family emergency happen just now and i need a flight from tampa fl to McGhee Tyson (TYS) . I need some where i can find it cheap last minute.
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Knoxville is a small airport and is usually serviced by regional jets; the only carriers that fly into here are AirTran, USAirways, Delta and Alliegant, and none of them have a nonstop from Tampa. All those things work against you: flights with a connection are frequently more expensive than nonstops; regional jets don't have a lot of seats which means not a lot of empty seats to fill and no sales; and the small number of airlines (no United, Continental, AA, Southwest, etc) means no competition. You are probably not going to find a flight cheaper than $500 for travel in the next few days unless you get extremely lucky. You may consider driving to Orlando (MCO) and flying to Knoxville from there; on the dates I checked, it was about $350 cheaper which in my book is well worth the 2-hour drive. Also consider flying into Nashville rather than Knoxville, which is a much bigger airport and gets more flights/more competition/better fares. I found $540 on several airlines from Tampa traveling Sept 19-23, and $160 on AirTran nonstop on the same dates. Good luck!